The Stone of Destiny, also known as the Stone of Scone, holds a significant place in the history of Scottish and English monarchies. This oblong block of red sandstone has played a pivotal role in coronations, witnessing the ascension of rulers from Scotland and, later, England, Great Britain and the United Kingdom. With a rich […]
What is the Best Hotel in Edinburgh? Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital, is one of the most vibrant and attractive cities in the UK, attracting millions of travelers every year. Its beautiful mix of Georgian and medieval architecture and its lush green spaces make it a feast for the eyes. The Old Town’s cobbled streets are amazingly […]
Located in southeastern Scotland, Edinburgh is a preferred destination for many travelers all around the world. Apart from being the country’s capital, the city has plenty of other features that make it attractive to visitors. If you’re considering which place to put next on your itinerary list, we truly believe this is well worth the […]